Sunday, August 23, 2015

God’s Accomplishments at YWAM Orlando August 2014-August 2015

God’s Accomplishments at YWAM Orlando
August 2014-August 2015

The Lord has accomplished so much this year in and through our team at YWAM Orlando. We spent a significant amount of time in our staff training just thanking God for all He as done. Below are just a few of these accomplishments:

  • Camping Cabins Completed October 28, 2014
  • Selected a new staff Site Superintendent for renovations of buildings on campus
  • Speak Life Tour – Shared biblical truth in schools in USA to 25,000 to 30,000 students
  •  Record number of students last fall - 75 total (50 DTS-25 SOMD)
  • Held SE Conference at YWAM Orlando – 600 YWAMers, 150 guests in attendance
  • First UofN Graduation on our campus with 2 graduates receiving Associates in Arts degrees
  • First trail-blazing trip to a particular closed country in Africa, (can’t be named in a public blog) paving the way for the DTS to go there.
  • Winter 2015 DTS - First team from YWAM Orlando ever to go to this particular closed country  (April 2015)
  • Finding mission partners in 5 key countries among those who have no access to the Gospel of Christ or the Bible.
  • First School of Ministry Development outreach to a particular closed Middle Eastern Country
  • April 2015 Built our first sand bag home in a closed Muslim nation in Africa
  •  Joined S Lake Chamber of Commerce
  • Depot completed and dedicated on May 8, 2015 – 14th building completed on campus
  • Spring 2015 First Performing Arts DTS Track
  • First Teaching to Transform seminar pioneered here- April 2015
  • New ministry started with Internationals from a closed Asian country now working in the Caribbean
  • New ministry started with Asians from a closed country working in tourism in Orlando – Spring, April 2015
  • Local cable company pays to set up infrastructure for phones and Internet throughout campus
  • Café Opened - July 3, 2015
  • New roof provided and installed on Depot and the roofing material provided for 7 additional buildings.
  • School Of Ministry Development creates a prototype for an improved mobilization tour – 570 People signed up for info, 8 people applied for schools.
  • Growth in worship team and numbers of new worship leaders
  • Aug 14, 2015 First wedding proposal in our café called the Depot

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