Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Power to our YWAM Orlando Campus is quickly restored

We had many power company workers from Louisville, Kentucky that joined Duke Energy to repair the power leading to our campus. We asked if they could fix the downed power lines on our campus and at first, they said that they would not be able to help us at this time. Over the course of time, our staff reached out to these volunteers, offered the use of our campus to park, provided fresh drinking water, and invited them to join us for lunch. Then, to our amazement, a gap opened up in their schedule and they decided that while they waited to be assigned to their next job that they would clear the trees off our downed lines and make the necessary repairs. The Duke Energy supervisor agreed and allowed them to help us. So, within about four hours, this army of power company workers had our lines cleared, repairs made, and power restored. What has normally taken us many weeks to get accomplished in the past was taken care of in an afternoon.

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