Igniting, Equipping, and Launching a Movement!
A movement of passionate dedicated young men & women carrying the light of the Gospel to the ends of the earth!
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015
If Faith is to Grow it must be used!
Loren Cunningham comments in his book, "Daring to Live on The Edge"; “faith is a gift from God. But for our faith to increase, it must be
used and tested.” I have found this to be so true. I remembered as a young Christian praying for
God to increase my faith, but I did not sense any significant change. When I began to obey the Lord and take the
small risks He was asking me to take, then my faith grew. Then one day He asked me to take on trusting
Him for 185-acre campus. This seemed
absolutely crazy with our meager funding, and yet, as we sought God as a team
God confirmed His word to pursue the purchase of what would become the campus
for YWAM Orlando.
As we heard the stories of so many wonderful miracles in
YWAM of property provisions, we assumed and hoped that we would have an
instantaneous provision to purchase this land.
This did not happen, and as a result we now realize that God not only
wanted to provide for us, but He wanted to teach us and grow our faith. God dealt with us much in the way He did with
the children of Israel. He told them; “remember that the Lord your God led you
all the way these forty years in the wilderness…that He might make you know
that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that
proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. (Deuteronomy 8:2-3 - NKJV) Fortunately, it was not a 40-year journey,
but it has been nine years since I asked the question; “Will you sell us this
land?” Within a week or two we will
dedicate our kitchen and dining facility and hopefully by the end of the year
we will have seven additional dormitory buildings completed. This will give us the 200 beds we need for
the initial core of our campus. As I write, I realize that many of our current
students were only eight or nine years old when we started our journey. No one in our YWAM Orlando Community would
deny that although our process to obtain our campus and make it usable was
extremely difficult, God has taught us so much about His ways and His character. I am tremendously grateful for God’s
leadership on our journey and I can also say with confidence that those that
have walked with us on this journey have had a major increase in their faith and
an understanding of the ways and character of God!
Follow on journey both here at bergfamily5.com and at ywamorlando.com
Thursday, April 16, 2015
A life of faith - ruins you for the ordinary!
It's been many years since I read Loren Cunningham's book; "Daring To Live On The Edge". As I read it again it is quite encouraging and
refreshing, especially in this season of my life. As I read the opening chapter, a classic
phrase jumped out at me. “Once you’ve
experienced the life of faith, it ruins you for the ordinary.”[1] I have found this to be absolutely true for
me. I remember many years ago when the
thought of a consistent salary and a more comfortable living felt quite
enticing. I flirted with returning to my
hometown to move back into what I perceived at the time as a “normal
life”. As I imagined being home I
remembered people, places, and activities that had been so fulfilling before
and I could not wait to get home to engage with these once again.
When I returned
home for a brief time I was surprised to find that the all these things that
seemed to entice me home were no longer satisfying. I thought everyone and everything had changed
while I was away. But, as I examined
this more carefully, I realized that the main change that had occurred was in
me. What used to be important to me
paled next to the wonders of following the Lord. Oh, the people at home were still wonderful and I will be forever grateful for the love and investment so many have made in my life, but I had tasted an extraordinary life of following Jesus on an epic
journey. The truth was that nothing else
would ever satisfy me again.
Now that I look
back I am so grateful that I did not return to what I perceived as a normal
life. We have faced many challenges in
this life of faith. Along the way people
have said, “You guys must really have a gift of faith”, but as I have pondered
this I don’t think that’s true. Rather,
I think we have been called to live a normal Christian life, a life that the
Lord wants all of us as Christians to live, and that is a life of faith. Of course, the particulars are different for
each of us because God has a particular destiny for each and every one of
us. Nonetheless, each of us is called to
obey and trust God.
Although my life
has been full of challenges and at times Darla and I have wondered if we would
even make it through a few situations along the way, I would not trade this epic
adventure of a lifetime for the ordinary existence that I once thought so
enticing. If you are reading this, then
I invite you to trust the most trustworthy being in the universe - God - and follow
Him on an epic journey of your own!
Join us at www.ywamorlando.com to begin your journey...
Join us at www.ywamorlando.com to begin your journey...
Friday, April 3, 2015
Good Friday, is truly good, and yet...

In Mark 10 Jesus
tells His disciples that He was going to Jerusalem and would be tortured and
killed. (Mark 10:32-34 NKJV) It was clear that He knew what was going to
happen and yet He continued to travel toward Jerusalem. But, on the night before His crucifixion He
seemed to have some very real human doubts during His time of prayer in the
Garden of Gethsemane during which He said, “Father,
if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be
done.” (Luke 22:42 NASB) None of us have ever faced a cross in a
literal sense, and yet I can clearly identify with the humanity of Jesus in
this moment. I have been absolutely
certain that God has led us to take on the purchase and renovation of this
large campus for YWAM Orlando and yet in times of great stress and weakness I
have had similar conversations with the Lord.
I consider the price Jesus paid for our freedom I am astounded. He was totally committed, there was no
turning back. Even in the midst of the
torturous agony He says; “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they
do.” (Luke 23:34 NKJV) What an amazing expression of love. When I think of what Jesus did that day
almost 2000 years ago I find a greater challenge in these words; “If anyone
wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and
follow Me.” (Luke 9:23 NASB) Simultaneously, I find a greater sweetness in
this statement, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old
things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV)
We ended the evening in a sweet, but very sober, time of communion, recommitting ourselves to the Lordship of Christ. Today is Good Friday, it truly is good, and yet the memory of why it is good is simultaneously painful and lovely. As I conclude this writing my heart is brimming over with gratitude and love for the One who loves me most!
We ended the evening in a sweet, but very sober, time of communion, recommitting ourselves to the Lordship of Christ. Today is Good Friday, it truly is good, and yet the memory of why it is good is simultaneously painful and lovely. As I conclude this writing my heart is brimming over with gratitude and love for the One who loves me most!
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